It’s the middle of the October, but we have one thing on our minds. CHRISTMAS!
It’s that time again, friends! We are launching our 5th annual Christmas in Kitui campaign! We can’t believe it. It has been such a fun ride and we are believing for another great year of celebrating with our Kitui family.
It's also very exciting because for the first time EVER, Jill and I will BOTH be in Kitui for Christmas. We have traded off going the last 5 years, but finally we'll be able to share in the festivities together. We are pumped.
For those of you that may not know, each year for Christmas, we host all of our Kitui orphans and their guardians at Michael and Jemimah's house - where we have a big meal, soda, and even some delicious S'mores. Each of our kiddos receive Christmas presents and cards from generous folks like YOU - and there is always a ton of laughing, singing, dancing, and of course soccer playing.
Last year, we were able to gift each one of our guardians/families with their very own solar panels that could provide some electricity for their homes. Do ya’ll remember how stoked they were to get them?! When we arrive in December, we'll be checking in with them to see how your generosity has changed their day-to-day. Can't wait to report back how this has helped them!
This year, there are once again, 3 key ways that you can be involved with our celebration!
1. Give gifts to our kids! This year, each child will receive THREE gifts. In the past, we have done two gifts, but this year we're shooting for the moon. With each gift given, you can send along a personal note and they will receive it with their gift. This adds a thoughtful personal touch for each kid.
2. Give gifts to our guardians! Two years ago, each guardian/family received a GOAT! Last year, each guardian/family received a solar powered panel kit! This year we are working very closely with our LFK Board Members to make a lasting impact on the homes of each of our families. We will delve further into this as we get closer to the party - but please know that this is going to be a HUGE step forward for us and we're excited for you to play a part in this.
3. Make a donation towards the Christmas party! You can give to the general party fund, which includes all things party related. Things like our Christmas party meal and supplies, funds for our amazing cooks and staff who help to put everything together, transport for the team, and other goodies for our Kitui family!
If you want to be a part of it (and you won't regret it!), head over to our Christmas page HERE to DONATE and help us put together another amazing celebration.
We love you all, and we're so thankful for you! We couldn't do it without all of your support. :)
Talk soon!